Monday, 21 December 2009

Monday 21st Dec

Whiteness is all around, but not the blank pages awaiting my input for an essay! Nope, it’s been snowing! And I reckon I’m up to date!

My UCAS personal statement has been approved by Dieca, she & Jordi have written a lovely reference and the whole kit & caboodle has been sent away to those University dons in their academic towers of ivory…I can but wait!

The Spanish essay on the various themes of “Lengua de las Mariposas” went fine: Jordi gave me a “Very Good” so I must have managed to write literately! I haven’t seen the corrected version yet so by the time I get it back, the writing will just be a distant memory! I must try and do some exs from my grammar books over the Xmas hols.

I passed the “Father & Son” assessment, which caused a lot of people problems. I’ve written an essay comparing and contrasting “Secrets” and “Dulce et Decorum est” and their treatment on war. Again I find that I’m quite happy explaining the themes, but I don’t feel comfortable discussing the literary techniques used; maybe I should try and read up on this…but I don’t want to study Literature at Uni!!

French went fine: full marks in reading 7 listening, and just a few mistakes in my writing. Cedric didn’t mention our speaking, but I think it was OK. I need to go through my notes and organise the vocab notebook..

Joe was happy with my project, and I did my wee presentation. It went OK, but I’m sure I can improve – it was strange speaking in front of my peers! I reckon I used the technology without problems, but I should have organised my notes better. I should find Joe and ask him for some comments.

I wrote the Mobile Phone essay in a bit of an altered style; more like an opinion column than a discursive essay. We’ll see what Scott has to say, but I think it was good to try and do something in a different voice.

Handed in the essay on the Liberal welfare reforms – the subject didn’t grip me as much as the other ones for History. That’s the way it’s got to be though – I can’t expect every subject to tickle my interest bones to the same extent, and there are bound to be subjects to investigate that I find dull or uninspiring.

Monday, 7 December 2009

Tues 8 Dec

Well, Happy December you festive frolickers! Assessments are looming, especially in languages, so I probably should be revising but I reckon I’ll get by...

I think I’ve got the UCAS personal statement was a lot more difficult than it should have been...or was it? It’s one thing to write an essay about Chartism or a poem we’ve read, but when faced with the task of trying to explain yourself in 4000 characters.... Maybe we should have interviewed each other to get a fix on our strengths!

The Investigating Europe project is nearly there in all its glorious technicolour...all I need is for Jordi Montserat to come to college maƱana! Lesson to be can’t rely on unknown volunteers to help when YOU need! I reckon it’s a good piece of work though, and it’s been an interesting and learning experience creating it. The most important thing is a good plan, and then being able to adapt that plan as you move forward. Still have to organise a wee presentation though... maybe best watch some this Wed and suss out exactly what is required!

In Literature we had a good look at ‘Dulce et decorum est’ and considered the horrors of the Great War. We then ignored the ‘Secrets’ short story, and jumped onto a 2nd World War poem ‘The Naming of the Parts’, which confused me a bit...sometimes it’s hard to switch from one form to another, especially when you’ve prepared for discussion about certain works.

Madame Deborah was off sick last week, so we were dans le curs tres grande in French...more revision, which was good fun. I just need to keep writing out my key sentences. I’m confident about reading & listening, but need to stay focussed for writing (damn those male/female changes!). Speaking should be OK providing I remember to say “Oui” and not “Si”!

We’ve got the big “Lengua de las Mariposas” essay details, and it’s a comparing & contrasting of the various themes that we’ve encountered in the stories and the film. The build up has been good, with the assignments in English pushing us in the right direction. We had a good chat last Wed about the structure of the essay to be written, but yesterday was a bit of a waste of time in my humble opinion. We spoke a bit about what we’d written in our draft but without said drafts being marked! Hard to judge how good/bad anyone was without considering the full work, no?

More essay writing work in Communication...some fun activities organising texts about elephants & surveillance cameras - not in the same text mind! I think I’ll write about mobile phone reducing real communication for my discursive essay. And we get the next 2 weeks for working in class, which is cool!

Finished the final Maths assignment no prob... poor John was getting a bit harassed as everybody is at different stages and needs different help! Maybe I should volunteer to tutor a bit...we’ll see how I feel come Friday morning!

My “Women’s Vote” essay was well received, but now we’ve got to write about the Liberals creation of a welfare state...sigh, it never seems to end! I did meet an interesting and enthusiastic History teacher on Saturday night, and we had a good chat about all the stuff we’ve been studying. She was so much better than that ignorant idiot from Hawick!!!