Monday, 28 September 2009

Monday 28

Looking back over last week (when I was hampered by flu!):
Monday was a holiday.
Tuesday: Eng Lit - We looked at “Red, Red Rose” & “Valentine” and considered various poetic techniques.
Wed: French – classroom expressions, numbers (with much hilarity four-twenty-ten-7 indeed!)
Investigate Europe – completed some self-analysis forms & looked for La Liga results for last year.
Spanish – Talked about la brecha generacional, mileuristas, completed & gave our European Language Day presentations, imperativo.
Thu: Communication – Read & considered Bill Bryson on English & a newspaper article about students’ inabilities to write essays.
Fri: Maths – started graph work, revised for & did Module 1 test
History – Discussed democracy in groups
French – professions (male & female), leisure time activities.

Most Interesting was the newspaper article about students’ inabilities to write essays and the discussion about democracy. The article gave me renewed determination to start writing essays. The democracy discussion / debate provided a forum for some great chat with all the class involved. It was lively, interesting, amusing and yet full of serious points.

3 main things learnt:
1. How to analyze written work; poetry or articles
2. French numbers (re-learnt!)
3. What a fascinating group I’m in…democracy rocks!!

What I previously thought was true, but now know to be false:

What did we not cover that I expected we should:
Combining subject verb profession in French.

What was new or surprising?

What have I changed my mind about?

Useful for the future?
Considering, reviewing written work.

Still unsure about:
French genders!


  1. Quick comment about today's Spanish: I feel that the grammar content is at the right level, and is suitable for me.

    Jordi tries to make the classes interesting and not just focus on the grammar. Trouble is that the vocab used is the activities seems to be too advanced for a lot of the students, and this slows us down a lot!

    We still spend too much time using English and translating. I guess I'm just used to speaking Spanish in a Spanish class!

    I'll have to do more practice at home.
