Monday, 1 February 2010

Monday 1st

So, let’s start with Tuesday’s plan –

Go to the library at 1pm – Nope, didn’t go at all.

45 mins on Philosophy of Language notes – 15 mins at home = 15 mins on bus. That did aid considerably my understanding of the 1st half of the class. Sara cancelled the planned meet up beforehand.

45 mins on Spanish presentation – Nope. Nada. Zilch. Had to be put back, and was more of a priority.

45 mins with voila – 10 mins on bus on way home. I still don’t really like the layout or structure of the book, but it’s what the teacher uses, so needs must!

What went wrong with the plan? Well, for one thing I agreed with Jordi to give the presentation next Monday, so it immediately became much more important. It’s a bit pointless making any kind of detailed plan on a Monday morning when teachers are going to give you work during the week, which will require preference.

Then my cousin came round for lunch and a chat. Now, for those of you who don’t know cousin Helen; she speaks Italian, works at student recruitment in Dundee Uni, studied Philosophy and is studying French part time. So, we had a chat about my applications, some general Philosophy basics, and the pleasures of learning French when one is fairly confident in a Latin language. I left the house feeling satisfied, stimulated and motivated. Did I regret not following my study plan?? Did I hell!!

Of course, it’s important to get into good study habits, and there will be time with assignments and exam revision that it’ll be crucial to organise a detailed timetable but on a weekly basis? WHY? To prove I can?? It seems a bit of a waste of time to prepare something every week, only to adapt it every time. Is that a failure, or just realistic adaptation??

I’m afraid it just reminded me of a kind of 9 to 5 always feel you should be doing something, and if I wanted that kind of job, I’d be working in one, thank you. Studying is not just about learning facts or techniques; it’s about developing as an individual, finding your own way of thinking, you own preferred work methods. If it makes you happy, gets you through the course and keeps your grades, teachers and college happy, then it’s good!!!

I felt good following the exchange of ideas with Helen; just as I do when I chat with nearly anyone I know, about what I’m doing and where I’m going. That I feel is a crucial part of this process: getting positive vibes about the whole damn thing.

Anyway….Deborah did a revision class and said we WON’T be using Voila much, so I did quite an hour’s work on the Spanish presentation on Wed.

On Thursday, I got a conditional offer from Glasgow…yeah!! I also went to the library, and continued with the Communication assessment. I also finished off the Spanish presentation…now all I need to do is practise speaking!

I read through my Chartist and Women’s vote history essays…it was very interesting to look back over them!

As for next week:

Tuesday: finish Communication assessment. Spend an hour preparing for the Language class: go back over last week’s notes and read up a little on the next part. Do some more history revision…although Thursday pm & Friday morn are the most crucial times!

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